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Risk Facilitation Webinar Replay

Risk Facilitation Webinar Replay

Here is the replay of our Risk Facilitation Webinar which ran on 6th March 2014. It lasts just over 56 minutes long. We join the webinar just as Ruth is introducing Penny:

(If your corporate firewall blocks Vimeo videos, then you might be better watching this away from work.)

Virtual Risk Facilitation Programme Videos
During the webinar, we mentioned our virtual Risk Facilitation Programme and promised to share some sample videos with you. As the programme itself is secure, we have uploaded these to YouTube for sharing. If you can’t see them, it might be worth trying at home or away from your corporate firewall.

Penny introduces herself:

Ruth introduces herself and the programme:

Penny talks about the miracle for risk facilitation:

Ruth talks about the skills of the ace risk facilitator:

The programme consists of far more than just videos as it includes audio, written materials, a forum and interaction with Penny and Ruth. Find out more here.