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Ruth and I seem to be travelling a lot at the moment. I’m in Dubai this week and Ruth was in Nigeria not long ago. However, travelling isn’t stopping us preparing for our book launch which starts next week. It’s a virtual Summit, focused on Making Risk Work. You can register for free here. What […]


Wow, time flies! We’re now in May and things are progressing well with the book. The final proof has now been approved for printing and the cover design is finalised. We’re getting closer and closer to the launch in July, but there will be more on that in a later post. Here’s an update for […]


To make this book as relevant as possible for today’s risk faciltiators, I’m going on a mini tour to ask people about risk. Last month it was the turn of the British Computer Society’s project management special interest group: PROMSG. Here is what we covered that evening: In groups, people discussed the issues that they […]