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From the category archives:


A message popped up from Anna saying: ‘I love your work Penny!’ Anna works as a lawyer in New Zealand. One day, Anna had to run a risk workshop, which is something she hadn’t done before. It was a bit of a challenge, with the CEO and other senior leaders involved. Actually, ‘a bit of […]


Facilitating Risk Management face-to-face

by Penny on 29th August 2012

In March, a group of people travelled to Nottingham to join in our Facilitating Risk Management open workshop. We had people from the USA, from Scotland and from all over England. They were from huge multinationals, an Olympic Sports body and a small consultancy. What they shared was that they wanted to develop their skills […]


Making Risk Management Work in Oxford, UK

by Penny on 12th December 2011

Penny was in Oxford on 1st December, presenting on ‘Making Risk Management Work’ to a large group of project managers. The group included risk managers from a huge range of industries, including defence, mining, power generation, mobile telephony, local government and more. We even had some post-graduates from Warwick University, researching into different aspects of […]


To make this book as relevant as possible for today’s risk faciltiators, I’m going on a mini tour to ask people about risk. Last month it was the turn of the British Computer Society’s project management special interest group: PROMSG. Here is what we covered that evening: In groups, people discussed the issues that they […]