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Facilitating Risk Management book Ruth Murray Webster Penny Pullan


A Short Guide to Facilitating Risk Management
Engaging People to Identify, Own and Manage Risk

A Short Guide to Facilitating Risk Management by Penny Pullan and Ruth Murray WebsterPublished by Gower as a paperback in July 2011 ISBN 978-1-4094-0730-0 Price £20.00
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The book sets out a very practical approach to how the risk management process can deliver value through effective facilitation. It brings together Ruth Murray Webster’s expertise of the human aspects of risk and risk attitude with Penny Pullan’s wide experience of the facilitation of project workshops as well as training others to do so.

Buy the book now: The Publisher, Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com

The book is full of practical examples from the authors’ experience and their findings from interviews and surveys. Vanessa Randle’s illustrations bring it to life. There are several five star reviews on Amazon’s UK site from people who have found it useful.

It is part of the Gower ‘Short Guides to Business Risk’ series. Gower’s rationale for the series is: ‘Risk is a far more complex and demanding issue that it was ten years ago. Risk managers may have expertise in the general aspects of risk management and in the specifics that relate directly to their business, but they are much less likely to understand other more specialist risks. Equally, Company Directors may find themselves falling down in their duty to manage risk because they don’t have enough knowledge to be able to talk to their risk team in a sensible way.’ Gower has now been taken over by Routledge, now part of the Taylor and Francis group.