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Guess where we found a superb venue for ‘Facilitating Risk Management’?

Guess where we found a superb venue for ‘Facilitating Risk Management’?

by Penny on 24th January 2012

Ruth at the Radisson Blu
Ruth and I visited a range of venues for our Facilitating Risk Management workshop on 21-22nd March a few days ago. Although it was a cold day, the inside of this almost brand new hotel was warm and inviting. We’re delighted to have found such a stunning building for our first Facilitating Risk workshop of 2012. It’s the Radisson Blu hotel close to East Midlands Airport, so it’s very handy for anyone flying in from other European cities. For those who prefer trains, East Midlands Parkway has fast trains to London. The M1 motorway is close by too.

We already have sold many of the places, so please book your place quickly if you would like to come. We’re keeping the numbers low, with a maximum of eight participant per facilitator.

Ruth and I are having fun pulling together the details of the programme for those who come. Programme? Yes, this isn’t just a workshop. The whole group will be supporting you afterwards as you apply what you have learnt back in the workplace. There will be some things to think through beforehand and bring with you, so that we can root our work in your own challenges. We will be holding a teleseminar before the course to give you some background about the case study we’ll use and to answer any of your questions.

Our early bird offer lasts until 21st February. Pay in full by 21st February to receive £100 reduction in the price to £795 + VAT. To cinfirm your place, you can book online or request an invoice to your company.

You can find out much more and book here.

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