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Preparing for the Making Risk Work Summit from Dubai

Preparing for the Making Risk Work Summit from Dubai

by Penny on 5th July 2011

Ruth and I seem to be travelling a lot at the moment. I’m in Dubai this week and Ruth was in Nigeria not long ago.

However, travelling isn’t stopping us preparing for our book launch which starts next week. It’s a virtual Summit, focused on Making Risk Work. You can register for free here.

What exactly is a virtual summit anyway? You take part by opening a web page each day at a time to suit you. Each day, you’ll have a different session to listen to and you can respond and ask questions in a LinkedIn group we’ve created.

The speakers are Ruth on Monday 11th July, me on Tuesday 12th, David Hillson (who wrote the foreword) on Wednesday 13th, Anna and Maya on Thursday 14th and Jonathan Norman, our publisher, on Friday 15th.

The sessions are short and fun and packed with useful hints and tips. If you buy, or have bought the book, you’ll receive all the files to keep.

Hope you can join in!

In the meanwhile, I’m off to try out some local pastimes. Penny

Penny on a camel in the Dubai Desert

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