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Risky Requirements?

Risky Requirements?

by Penny on 16th March 2010

If your role is a business analyst or if you are involved in managing requirements for projects and programmes in any way, you might like to come along to the next International Institute for Business Analysis (IIBA) UK Chapter meeting in London on Tuesday 23rd March. Penny is facilitating the group around the topic of Risky Requirements. More info here about venue, booking etc…

I have a few key questions for you. What are your answers to these? They will help me to prepare for this event. I promise to post the outputs here!

  • How important do you think that risk is  as part of the BA role? Use a scale of 1 (not important) to 10 (extremely important).
  • What works well for you around managing risks to requirements?
  • What doesn’t?
  • What do you think that the pitfalls are for a business analyst on a risky project?

You can answer them either by commenting on this post or filling in a form here. Choose whichever suits you! Thank you.

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