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Why are we blogging about Facilitating Risk Management?

Why are we blogging about Facilitating Risk Management?

by Penny on 22nd February 2010

This is the very first post for our blog on ‘Facilitating Risk’. Why are we blogging? Ruth Murray-Webster and I (Penny Pullan) are writing a book for Gower entitled ‘A Short Guide to Facilitating Risk Management: Engaging People to Identify, Own and Manage Risk’.

We’re blogging because we would like to hear from you what your own issues are with risk management and what works for you, the reader, so that we can make the book as useful and practical as we can. Once the book is published, we’ll continue to share what we learn about the subject here and invite you to join us with your contributions.

Welcome! We look forward to hearing from you.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Penny February 22, 2010 at 10:46 pm

Testing the comments box!

Ruth Murray-Webster February 22, 2010 at 11:18 pm

Just to reinforce Penny’s invitation to get involved. We have lots of experience we’d like to share in the book about the massive difference that good facilitation makes to risk management – but it will be even better if we can address the things that matter to you.
I was with an organisation today that is crying out for ideas on how to bring risk management alive, to get energy and enthusiasm into the process. That’s the power of the facilitator.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

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